dimanche 19 février 2012

PLOC, a new wonderful magazine illustrated by Alain Grée !

Hi Everybody !!!

If you like vintage children books, i'm sure that you'll fall in love with PLOC, a new magazine entirely illustrated by Alain Grée !!! 
This cute magazine contains lovely and colorful Alain Grée's illustrations like he used to do in the 60's but also stories and games !!!
There will be four issues a year edited by Anorak Press (Anorak Magazine).
It's really a must have !!!

Buy the English Version :


Achetez-le en version Française :

Karel en mienet written by Mariejte Witteveen and illustrated by Eddy Dukkers, circa 1950.

Karel en mienet is one of my favorite illustrated book. I'm still looking for Karel en mienet 2, if you have it and...