dimanche 16 octobre 2011

Tricoti Tricota illustrated by Françoise Themerson, 1939.

This book is one of my best discovery in recent months... 
As you can see it's very old, it was illustrated by Françoise Themerson in 1939. 
I hope you will see the beauty of this book, despite his condition ! :)

In 1957, this book was reissued by the same publisher ( Flammarion ) but the illustrator isn't the same ! It was illustrated by an illustrator called "Gerda".

Enjoy !!! 

2 commentaires:

  1. I found with very pleasure your post on the book "Tricoti, Tricota" (perhaps the first edition). I have the version with the drawings from Gerda Muller and I read still this book to my daugther. She is 13 years. Thank you for your blog. Philippe

  2. Oh ! :)
    I have the version with the drawing from Gerda Muller too. I bought the two versions without knowing and the last time, i found one Tricoti-Tricota and 5 minutes later another Tricoti-Tricota but not the same ! It's curious to republish the book with another illustrator...
    I wonder if the first edition illustrated by Françoise Themerson was successful or not...
    Gerda Muller illustrated many books from the 50's and her books was sucessful, that's probably why the publisher called her for the reedition of this book however, i prefer the first edition ! :)
    In any cases, it's a great book !!! :)


Karel en mienet written by Mariejte Witteveen and illustrated by Eddy Dukkers, circa 1950.

Karel en mienet is one of my favorite illustrated book. I'm still looking for Karel en mienet 2, if you have it and...