dimanche 28 décembre 2014

Saules Ziedi, illustrated by Uldis Zemzari in 1963. ( Lettonian book )

1 commentaire:

  1. Big fan of your blog and all of your tips! I'd like to give you my own... I always buy from this store in Brazil, they have handmade products made by craftsmen in small cities all over the country, all put together in one store. They also have a brick and mortar store in a beach city called Trancoso, this is their website: www.divinostrancoso.com.br. Hope you all like it just as much as I do! =)


Karel en mienet written by Mariejte Witteveen and illustrated by Eddy Dukkers, circa 1950.

Karel en mienet is one of my favorite illustrated book. I'm still looking for Karel en mienet 2, if you have it and...